Chemtrails refer to man made line clouds that has harming property.
Scientist call man made line clouds produced by jet exhaust or aerodinamic effect as contrails. They believe that contrails from jet exhaust will eventually turn into clouds which they call as contrails cirrus. The scientists believe that contrails and contrails cirrus is an environmental problem.
Chemtrails believer believe that contrails is dangerous to human, much worse than what scientist predicted. The cloud from chemtrails are called chemclouds. Some chemtrails believer believe that contrails is not harmless (denying the scientist, supporting the chemtrails debunker opinion).
Contrails can be produced by aerodinamic effect or by particle pollution from the jet exhaust. There are different opinion of what cause chemtrails to be visible. Some chemtrails believer believe that it is emitted by special nozzle, some believe that it is added in the fuel. Chemtrails denier believe that contrails created from solely water vapor turning into ice crystal (denying the scientist).
Scientist believe that contrails is harmfull to the environment because contrails and contrails cirrus produce radiative forcing, in other word, heating the surface by trapping the heat. The released particle (sulfur aerosol) believed to be responsible for ozone depletion and acid rain.
Chemtrails denier believe that contrails is completely harmless because they are similar to natural clouds, made of water vapor.
Chemtrails believer believe that the particle is toxic for human life. Some mention aluminium, barium and strontium. I believe that even if the particle is safe, releasing particle in the sky will still kill people because it will certainly modify weather in a bad way.
Scientist and chemtrails denier believe that contrails is the results of current technology.
Some chemtrails believer believe that the spraying is done for a noble reason. To prevent disaster, to prevent upcoming catastrophic event that could wipe out the entire human race if the spraying is stopped.
Some chemtrails believer believe that the spraying is done for greed. Greed for domination or money. To spray people to make them sick, weak and to obey. Or to spray people to make them willing to pay money to solve the problem (extreme weather, global warming or climate change) which originally caused by the spraying itself.
Scientist suggest contrails avoidance to reduce the problem cause by contrails.
Chemtrails denier try to make people believe that contrails is harmless and beautiful.
Some chemtrails believer choose to spread awareness for chemtrails. Some chemtrails believer choose to try to stop geoengineering. Some chemtrails believer choose to try to stop weather modification. Some chemtrails believer try to sue government for spraying. Some chemtrails believer try to neutralize the effect of chemtrails with chembuster, vinegar, orgonite. I use cemenite.
Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013
The change of contrails definition in Wiki make contrails look safer
Chemtrails denier often use wiki definition of contrails
Wiki said:
"Contrails (/ˈkɒntreɪlz/; short for "condensation trails") or vapor trails are long thin artificial (man-made) clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface.[1] Like all clouds, contrails are made of water, in the form of a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals."
This definition give the impression that contrails is something similar to normal clouds.
But take a look at the first definition of contrails in Wiki:
"Contrails are condensation trails. Artificial clouds made by the exhaust of jet aircraft.
It had been hypothesized that in regions such as the United States with heavy air traffic contrails affected the weather reducing solar heating during the day and radiation of heat during the night. The suspension of air travel for 3 days in the United States after September 11th provided an opportuntity to test this hyposthesis. Measurements did in fact show that without contrails daily temperatures were about 1 degree (Farenheit) higher during the day and 1 degree cooler at night."
This definition clearly define contrails as problem, a pollution that will alter weather at least to reduce the temperature difference between day and night, which is a sign of green house effect.
The original definition mention this link:
abstract of article in Nature announcing research results of contrail temperature change study
The link no longer available, but an archive from 15th January 2007 at state:
"Nature 418, 601 (08 August 2002); doi:10.1038/418601a
Climatology: Contrails reduce daily temperature range
* Department of Geography and Geology, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190, USA
† Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16801, USA
The potential of condensation trails (contrails) from jet aircraft to affect regional-scale surface temperatures has been debated for years, but was difficult to verify until an opportunity arose as a result of the three-day grounding of all commercial aircraft in the United States in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. Here we show that there was an anomalous increase in the average diurnal temperature range (that is, the difference between the daytime maximum and night-time minimum temperatures) for the period 11–14 September 2001. Because persisting contrails can reduce the transfer of both incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation and so reduce the daily temperature range, we attribute at least a portion of this anomaly to the absence of contrails over this period."
At that time, contrails is serious concern. What about today?
Current Wiki also state that:
"Condensation from engine exhaust
The main products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor. At high altitudes this water vapor emerges into a cold environment, and the local increase in water vapor can raise the relative humidity of the air past saturation point. The vapor then condenses into tiny water droplets which freeze if the temperature is low enough. "
This definition along with earlier definition is not accurate, they are wrong. The important part during contrails creation is aerosol. The vapor will only make a droplet if there are particle they can deposit to. Bellow is how contrails creation step explained, from real contrails science book.
J. Schneider & Chr. Voigt - Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols and Ice Clouds, Chapter 8: Contrails and contrail cirrus (mirror link)
• Contrails consist of ice particles that nucleate primarily on aerosols emitted or formed in the plume.
• At initial stage contrails grow by deposition of exhaust water vapor.
• Later during their life cycle contrails grow by deposition of entrained ambient water vapor.
• Formation of contrails due to increase in RHI during isobaric mixing of the hot and humid exhaust gases with colder and less humid ambient air.
Another article:
"Contrails (short for condensation trails) have been observed since 1915 (Schumann, 2005). The theory on the thermodynamic conditions causing their formation and decay was first described at the time of World War II (Schmidt, 1941). The strong increase in occurrence of contrails due to the strong increase of global air traffic has triggered intensive research in this field since the early 1990s, especially with respect to their present and future in?uence on global and regional climate (Meerkötter et al., 1999; Mannstein et al., 1999; Meyer et al., 2002; Marquart, 2003; Minnis et al., 2004).
Aircrafts add warm and humid exhaust air to the tropopause region. When the plume consisting of exhaust and entrained air cools, its relative humidity increases. If the ambient air is cold and moist enough, saturation with respect to liquid water is eventually reached. Soot particles from the combustion process and other condensation nuclei then start to accumulate water vapour and grow to little droplets which immediately freeze: the contrail is formed. The temperature and moisture limits are given by the Schmidt-Appleman Criterion (Schmidt, 1941; Appleman, 1953; Schumann, 1996). In warmer and moist surroundings contrails can also be initiated aerodynamically (Gierens et al., 2009; Kärcher et al., 2009). If the ambient air is supersaturated with respect to ice, the contrail can persist for several hours. Minnis et al. (1998) have observed life spans of more than 7 h for single contrails and 17 h for contrail clusters together with contrail widths of 15 km. Bakan et al. (1994) report contrail areas that could be tracked for more than two days. Nevertheless, a contrail usually loses its linear appearance at some point. After 1 or 2 h it can no longer be distinguished by its shape from a naturally formed cirrus cloud (Mannstein et al., 1999).
The most relevant parameters for the estimation of the climate impact of contrails are changes in cirrus cloud coverage and optical thickness, the resulting radiative forcing (RF) as well as possible effects due to changes in air composition and the in?uence on the hydrological cycle (Schumann 2005). Like thin cirrus contrails reduce both, the incoming short wave radiation and the infrared radiation escaping into space (greenhouse effect). The former effect leads to an in stantaneous surface cooling during daytime, the latter causes a warming mainly of the upper troposphere."
This clearly indicate that the scientist consider contrails as serious problem. Even if those scientist do not believe in chemtrails, they share the same concern with chemtrails believer. Chemtrails debunker / denier has contantly claim that contrails is just harmless water vapor. In this sense, chemtrails debunker is the one who deny the severity of problem caused by trails.
Either you believe in chemtrails or not, trails is a serious problem that must be solved right away.
Wiki said:
"Contrails (/ˈkɒntreɪlz/; short for "condensation trails") or vapor trails are long thin artificial (man-made) clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapor in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface.[1] Like all clouds, contrails are made of water, in the form of a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals."
This definition give the impression that contrails is something similar to normal clouds.
But take a look at the first definition of contrails in Wiki:
"Contrails are condensation trails. Artificial clouds made by the exhaust of jet aircraft.
It had been hypothesized that in regions such as the United States with heavy air traffic contrails affected the weather reducing solar heating during the day and radiation of heat during the night. The suspension of air travel for 3 days in the United States after September 11th provided an opportuntity to test this hyposthesis. Measurements did in fact show that without contrails daily temperatures were about 1 degree (Farenheit) higher during the day and 1 degree cooler at night."
This definition clearly define contrails as problem, a pollution that will alter weather at least to reduce the temperature difference between day and night, which is a sign of green house effect.
The original definition mention this link:
abstract of article in Nature announcing research results of contrail temperature change study
The link no longer available, but an archive from 15th January 2007 at state:
"Nature 418, 601 (08 August 2002); doi:10.1038/418601a
Climatology: Contrails reduce daily temperature range
* Department of Geography and Geology, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190, USA
† Department of Geography, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16801, USA
The potential of condensation trails (contrails) from jet aircraft to affect regional-scale surface temperatures has been debated for years, but was difficult to verify until an opportunity arose as a result of the three-day grounding of all commercial aircraft in the United States in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. Here we show that there was an anomalous increase in the average diurnal temperature range (that is, the difference between the daytime maximum and night-time minimum temperatures) for the period 11–14 September 2001. Because persisting contrails can reduce the transfer of both incoming solar and outgoing infrared radiation and so reduce the daily temperature range, we attribute at least a portion of this anomaly to the absence of contrails over this period."
At that time, contrails is serious concern. What about today?
Current Wiki also state that:
"Condensation from engine exhaust
The main products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapor. At high altitudes this water vapor emerges into a cold environment, and the local increase in water vapor can raise the relative humidity of the air past saturation point. The vapor then condenses into tiny water droplets which freeze if the temperature is low enough. "
This definition along with earlier definition is not accurate, they are wrong. The important part during contrails creation is aerosol. The vapor will only make a droplet if there are particle they can deposit to. Bellow is how contrails creation step explained, from real contrails science book.
J. Schneider & Chr. Voigt - Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols and Ice Clouds, Chapter 8: Contrails and contrail cirrus (mirror link)
• Contrails consist of ice particles that nucleate primarily on aerosols emitted or formed in the plume.
• At initial stage contrails grow by deposition of exhaust water vapor.
• Later during their life cycle contrails grow by deposition of entrained ambient water vapor.
• Formation of contrails due to increase in RHI during isobaric mixing of the hot and humid exhaust gases with colder and less humid ambient air.
Another article:
"Contrails (short for condensation trails) have been observed since 1915 (Schumann, 2005). The theory on the thermodynamic conditions causing their formation and decay was first described at the time of World War II (Schmidt, 1941). The strong increase in occurrence of contrails due to the strong increase of global air traffic has triggered intensive research in this field since the early 1990s, especially with respect to their present and future in?uence on global and regional climate (Meerkötter et al., 1999; Mannstein et al., 1999; Meyer et al., 2002; Marquart, 2003; Minnis et al., 2004).
Aircrafts add warm and humid exhaust air to the tropopause region. When the plume consisting of exhaust and entrained air cools, its relative humidity increases. If the ambient air is cold and moist enough, saturation with respect to liquid water is eventually reached. Soot particles from the combustion process and other condensation nuclei then start to accumulate water vapour and grow to little droplets which immediately freeze: the contrail is formed. The temperature and moisture limits are given by the Schmidt-Appleman Criterion (Schmidt, 1941; Appleman, 1953; Schumann, 1996). In warmer and moist surroundings contrails can also be initiated aerodynamically (Gierens et al., 2009; Kärcher et al., 2009). If the ambient air is supersaturated with respect to ice, the contrail can persist for several hours. Minnis et al. (1998) have observed life spans of more than 7 h for single contrails and 17 h for contrail clusters together with contrail widths of 15 km. Bakan et al. (1994) report contrail areas that could be tracked for more than two days. Nevertheless, a contrail usually loses its linear appearance at some point. After 1 or 2 h it can no longer be distinguished by its shape from a naturally formed cirrus cloud (Mannstein et al., 1999).
The most relevant parameters for the estimation of the climate impact of contrails are changes in cirrus cloud coverage and optical thickness, the resulting radiative forcing (RF) as well as possible effects due to changes in air composition and the in?uence on the hydrological cycle (Schumann 2005). Like thin cirrus contrails reduce both, the incoming short wave radiation and the infrared radiation escaping into space (greenhouse effect). The former effect leads to an in stantaneous surface cooling during daytime, the latter causes a warming mainly of the upper troposphere."
This clearly indicate that the scientist consider contrails as serious problem. Even if those scientist do not believe in chemtrails, they share the same concern with chemtrails believer. Chemtrails debunker / denier has contantly claim that contrails is just harmless water vapor. In this sense, chemtrails debunker is the one who deny the severity of problem caused by trails.
Either you believe in chemtrails or not, trails is a serious problem that must be solved right away.
Disinformation website:
A newbie who tried to learn about chemtrails will sooner or later suggested to visit It is a website that is build solely to debunk chemtrails. The owner is Mick West, a known chemtrails debunker. He also has another website,, a forum for all the debunker.
In the about page, the owner mention:
" is just a place where I write about both contrails and science – which also includes some looking at the “chemtrail” theory, and the pseudoscience associated with it.
My name is Mick West, I have private pilot training up to long distance solo certification, and have flown a 150 mile solo flight. I’ve been training out of Santa Monica airport, so I know the airspace round here. I like writing, and figuring things out. I’ve been writing about contrails and the “chemtrail” theory since 2007.
I’m not a scientist, or a meteorologist, but I try to ensure that what I post is comprised of independently verifiable facts. You can check these facts yourself. If you find ANY error on this site, then let me know and I will issue a correction immediately."
The last statement is interesting because I did try to correct their mistake by posting a link to a legitimate site explaining the real science behind contrails, but my comment is never approved. So the last statement is a lie.
Then the statement about independely verifiable fact. This also raise another question because most of the article in that website would not include link for people to verify the fact. I will some example of evidence that deny that statement.
Let us start with the article in main page of that website.
"Contrails Through History
Theorists claim: Contrails used to dissipate in a few seconds, minutes at most.
But they didn’t. There’s a huge amount of evidence (in addition to lots of people remembering persistent contrails). It dates back to 1918, and continues up to the present day."
What is not mentioned by the writer is contrails in science usually mention jet exhaust. Plane before jet era produce a lot of particle (smoke) that will produce much more vivid trails. The plane at that era will produce smoke even on the ground, something you would not see today on jet engined plane. The smoke that old plane release will become the seed of thick contrails at high altitude. Today, contrails indicate the amount of particle pollution that the engine produced.
The article posted at 5th March 2013 mention:
" Hybrid Contrails – A New Classification contrails
Contrails are generally classified into two types. Exhaust contrails and aerodynamic contrails.
Exhaust contrails are formed by the mixing of the hot humid exhaust of the engines with cold humid surrounding air, creating long streamers of clouds. If the conditions are right then these can persist and spread. These are the most common type of contrail observed."
Exhaust contrails happen because the aircraft exhaust emit particle. The particle is the important part during the creation of contrails. Here is what science mention
J. Schneider & Chr. Voigt - Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols and Ice Clouds, Chapter 8: Contrails and contrail cirrus (mirror link)
• Contrails consist of ice particles that nucleate primarily on aerosols emitted or formed in the plume.
• At initial stage contrails grow by deposition of exhaust water vapor.
• Later during their life cycle contrails grow by deposition of entrained ambient water vapor.
• Formation of contrails due to increase in RHI during isobaric mixing of the hot and humid exhaust gases with colder and less humid ambient air.
"• Aircraft influence high clouds indirectly by injecting aerosol particles that may act as heterogeneous ice nuclei at some point after emission. In the absence of aircraft emissions, a cirrus cloud would not have formed or the resulting cirrus would have different properties."
So, contrails was formed because the water vapor can deposit into the particle pollution emitted by the aircraft engine.
In the about page, the owner mention:
" is just a place where I write about both contrails and science – which also includes some looking at the “chemtrail” theory, and the pseudoscience associated with it.
My name is Mick West, I have private pilot training up to long distance solo certification, and have flown a 150 mile solo flight. I’ve been training out of Santa Monica airport, so I know the airspace round here. I like writing, and figuring things out. I’ve been writing about contrails and the “chemtrail” theory since 2007.
I’m not a scientist, or a meteorologist, but I try to ensure that what I post is comprised of independently verifiable facts. You can check these facts yourself. If you find ANY error on this site, then let me know and I will issue a correction immediately."
The last statement is interesting because I did try to correct their mistake by posting a link to a legitimate site explaining the real science behind contrails, but my comment is never approved. So the last statement is a lie.
Then the statement about independely verifiable fact. This also raise another question because most of the article in that website would not include link for people to verify the fact. I will some example of evidence that deny that statement.
Let us start with the article in main page of that website.
"Contrails Through History
Theorists claim: Contrails used to dissipate in a few seconds, minutes at most.
But they didn’t. There’s a huge amount of evidence (in addition to lots of people remembering persistent contrails). It dates back to 1918, and continues up to the present day."
What is not mentioned by the writer is contrails in science usually mention jet exhaust. Plane before jet era produce a lot of particle (smoke) that will produce much more vivid trails. The plane at that era will produce smoke even on the ground, something you would not see today on jet engined plane. The smoke that old plane release will become the seed of thick contrails at high altitude. Today, contrails indicate the amount of particle pollution that the engine produced.
The article posted at 5th March 2013 mention:
" Hybrid Contrails – A New Classification contrails
Contrails are generally classified into two types. Exhaust contrails and aerodynamic contrails.
Exhaust contrails are formed by the mixing of the hot humid exhaust of the engines with cold humid surrounding air, creating long streamers of clouds. If the conditions are right then these can persist and spread. These are the most common type of contrail observed."
Exhaust contrails happen because the aircraft exhaust emit particle. The particle is the important part during the creation of contrails. Here is what science mention
J. Schneider & Chr. Voigt - Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols and Ice Clouds, Chapter 8: Contrails and contrail cirrus (mirror link)
• Contrails consist of ice particles that nucleate primarily on aerosols emitted or formed in the plume.
• At initial stage contrails grow by deposition of exhaust water vapor.
• Later during their life cycle contrails grow by deposition of entrained ambient water vapor.
• Formation of contrails due to increase in RHI during isobaric mixing of the hot and humid exhaust gases with colder and less humid ambient air.
"• Aircraft influence high clouds indirectly by injecting aerosol particles that may act as heterogeneous ice nuclei at some point after emission. In the absence of aircraft emissions, a cirrus cloud would not have formed or the resulting cirrus would have different properties."
So, contrails was formed because the water vapor can deposit into the particle pollution emitted by the aircraft engine.
Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013
What is wrong with
Many chemtrails activist have use as the source of information. Unfortunately, I notice some wrong information in the article posted at The wrong information may lead people to wrong solution or wrong action, which may prevent people from stopping chemtrails problem. will be referred as GWO from now. The title of each section is a fact that is presented differently by GWO.
Chemtrails are not geoengineering
GWO often refer chemtrails as SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) or SRM (solar radiation management). They claim that the spraying are done with intention to save / cool the planet. They think that the spraying are done with a good intention, to reduce the damage to the planet, too cool it down, to hide the catastrophy, to hide the melting / catastrophic warming. This claim were repeated in many of their articles.
This claim is denying the possibility of chemtrails as intentional mass killing weapon.
This claim is in contrast with what many people have witnessed. Chemtrails have witnessed to cause more warming:
Chemtrails do not cool the planet, because chemtrails are not geoengineering.
Chemtrails destroy weather
GWO mentioned few times that chemtrails will calm the weather down, the weather supposed to be more violent in current condition. Their article “Double Catastrophe Scenario” Document Paints Bleak Picture mention:
"global aerosol geoengineering (SAG) and stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) effectively hides or masks the true extent of climate change initially"
That description deny the possibility of chemtrails as weather weapon, deny the possibility of chemtrails destroy the weather.
Fact shows that the weather have become more violent when people have notice more chemtrails. The news have reported record breaking natural disaster more and more. There is no sign of masking the catastrophy. What those news shows are the true extend of the catasthropy. But it is not happen because of climate change, it is happen because of chemtrails.
The weather will improve when the spraying stop
GWO, via Dane Wigington, claim: "When the global atmospheric spraying is stopped, and the full extent of the suns’ thermal energy once again reaches the surface of the planet, the climate “rebound” is catastrophic."
This deny the possibility of chemtrails destroy weather. This imply that as long as the spraying happen, the weather would be fine. But the reality is the complete opposite. Non stop spraying had caused many places experience drought and flood. When the spraying paused, people reported a rare fine weather and beautiful sky.
There would be no catastrophic rebound effect when the spraying stop.
Global Warming is not real
GWO claim that we are experiencing warming. They claim that the planet is in meltdown because of released arctic sea bed methane. They claim that the situation is so dire that the sprayer will not be able to hide it any longer. They use raising sea level and reduced arctic sea ice as the examples.
This deny the possibility of chemtrails being the cause of warming.
The earth is not warming. Even if it is, it is not because of arctic methane, it is because of chemtrails. Even if it is, global warming or climate change isn't what cause the extreme weather disaster that happen in many place of the world.
Sea level do not rise, it is the land that sinking (click here for more information).
It is true that the sea ice at the arctic during summer reduce. But it can also happen because there are more human activity in the arctic to explore and dig the fossil fuel available at massive quantity in the arctic. The sea ice at the antarctic also increase.
Opposite Behaviors? Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks, Antarctic Grows
"The steady and dramatic decline in the sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean over the last three decades has become a focus of media and public attention. At the opposite end of the Earth, however, something more complex is happening.
A new NASA study shows that from 1978 to 2010 the total extent of sea ice surrounding Antarctica in the Southern Ocean grew by roughly 6,600 square miles every year, an area larger than the state of Connecticut. And previous research by the same authors indicates that this rate of increase has recently accelerated, up from an average rate of almost 4,300 square miles per year from 1978 to 2006."
The cause of species extinction is not chemtrails alone.
GWO claim that SRM is the cause of mass animal and plants extinction.
While it is true that chemtrails have the capability of mass kill, Animal and plants extinction have already happening before the sky being dominated by chemtrails.
Bechtel is not just a power company
Even when his member, Dane Wigington, was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp, GWO never explain Bechtel more than a power company.
Bechtel is a pioner in oil exploration. Bechtel is big oil company, that also do an exploration at the arctic, that also know how to utilize arctic sea bed methane. Here is an example of Bechtel activity, posted at Bechtel website:
"As a partner in BETS B.V. (Bechtel, Enka, and Technostroyexport), Bechtel is building an onshore oil and gas processing facility for the Sakhalin II oil and gas fields in the Sea of Okhotsk. When it’s complete later this year, it will process about 135,000 barrels per day of crude oil, along with 48 million cubic meters per day of dry gas feedstock, for two plants 600 kilometers south, which will produce 9.6 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas yearly. The plants will be Russia’s first entry into the hot LNG market."
Bechtel also handle US Army's weapon, at least for nuke (Bechtel Nevada) or chemical weapon. Here is an example of trust between them, also posted at Bechtel website:
"Early in 2006, Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland became the first continental U.S. military site to eliminate its stockpile of chemical weapons. It was an important milestone for the country, and also for Bechtel, which has led the effort at Aberdeen and is involved in similar chemical demilitarization projects at two other U.S. military sites—Colorado’s U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot and the Blue Grass Army Depot in Richmond, Kentucky."
Conspiracy website mention worst information about Bechtel:
"One of Bechtel's most famous projects in Britain was probably the Channel Tunnel, but they also built many of the largest North Sea oil platforms. In fact Bechtel is the company of choice with the oil industry, many of the worlds largest oil rigs and pipelines were (and are) built by them (including the Iraq - Syria pipeline recently in the news).
Bechtel still secretly specialises in the construction of military bases, especially underground bunkers. Managed by Bechtel Nevada for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration, the site supports national security and U.S. intelligence and defence efforts, designs emergency response programs, monitors consequences of terrorist acts, and develops technologies to fight terrorism. At the Weapons of Mass Destruction Training Program. Technologies developed by site researchers include equipment for detecting and predicting the path of AIRBORNE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, as well as new ways to protect buildings from biological and chemical weapons. The site also operates Remote Sensing and Special Technologies laboratories. Recently Bush slipped the $680 million Iraq contract to the Bechtel Group. the Bechtel Family, still resident in San Francisco, are said to be the most influential people behind the cities' infamous Bohemian Grove gatherings"
"It has been reported that the secretive CIA-insider Bechtel Corporation was one of the prime contractors involved in the construction of Groom Lake. Unsurprisingly, Bechtel Corporation has been heavily involved with the Nevada Test Site (see information on Bechtel below); Lockheed Martin is another Nevada Test Site contractor. The CIA had a special training program to provide CIA pilots for black aircraft testing and secret deployments - out of Groom Lake and other locations."
SAIC has ongoing collaborations with Bechtel - another of the world's most secretive aerospace technology, energy infrastructure and defense contractors, and one with ties to the intelligence community at the highest and deepest levels.[193] SAIC works closely with DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency -- the granting agency behind HAARP and many other secretive advanced research and development programs.
Bechtel is entrenched in black operations, nuclear weapons production and military construction contracts.
Bechtel National Incorporated (Riley P. Bechtel Chairman and CEO) is teamed with BWX Technologies (BWXT) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. BWXT is a subsidiary of McDermott International, one of the largest aircraft carrier, nuclear submarine and submarine propulasion, and petroleum industry construction contractors in the world. BWXT is deeply entrenched in the national laboratories nuclear weapons complex, including INEL, Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories. The nuclear weapons complex is a good candidate cover for development of black programs ENMOD weapons of mass destruction.
The chemical defoliants (Agent Orange) used in the U.S. saturation bombing of Vietnam were developed by the CIA's Dr.Gottlieb. Meanwhile, the secret Vietnam era ENMOD "pilot program" Project Popeye was seeding clouds over Southeast Asia. It is notable that the Air Force itself called this a "pilot" program, indicating that there was probably far more programs and operations on the drawing board, if not in operation at the time."
The last quote mentioned that Bechtel could be the company behind the chemtrails operation. Dane Wigington may not be like former FBI special ops Ted Gunderson that can expose US government bad doing, but at least GWO should introduce Bechtel properly.
Wrong information may deviate people from solving the real problem. I hope people recognize the error and realize that you should double check what you read. Do check and rechek for whatever information presented to you. will be referred as GWO from now. The title of each section is a fact that is presented differently by GWO.
Chemtrails are not geoengineering
GWO often refer chemtrails as SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) or SRM (solar radiation management). They claim that the spraying are done with intention to save / cool the planet. They think that the spraying are done with a good intention, to reduce the damage to the planet, too cool it down, to hide the catastrophy, to hide the melting / catastrophic warming. This claim were repeated in many of their articles.
This claim is denying the possibility of chemtrails as intentional mass killing weapon.
This claim is in contrast with what many people have witnessed. Chemtrails have witnessed to cause more warming:
Chemtrails do not cool the planet, because chemtrails are not geoengineering.
Chemtrails destroy weather
GWO mentioned few times that chemtrails will calm the weather down, the weather supposed to be more violent in current condition. Their article “Double Catastrophe Scenario” Document Paints Bleak Picture mention:
"global aerosol geoengineering (SAG) and stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) effectively hides or masks the true extent of climate change initially"
That description deny the possibility of chemtrails as weather weapon, deny the possibility of chemtrails destroy the weather.
Fact shows that the weather have become more violent when people have notice more chemtrails. The news have reported record breaking natural disaster more and more. There is no sign of masking the catastrophy. What those news shows are the true extend of the catasthropy. But it is not happen because of climate change, it is happen because of chemtrails.
The weather will improve when the spraying stop
GWO, via Dane Wigington, claim: "When the global atmospheric spraying is stopped, and the full extent of the suns’ thermal energy once again reaches the surface of the planet, the climate “rebound” is catastrophic."
This deny the possibility of chemtrails destroy weather. This imply that as long as the spraying happen, the weather would be fine. But the reality is the complete opposite. Non stop spraying had caused many places experience drought and flood. When the spraying paused, people reported a rare fine weather and beautiful sky.
There would be no catastrophic rebound effect when the spraying stop.
Global Warming is not real
GWO claim that we are experiencing warming. They claim that the planet is in meltdown because of released arctic sea bed methane. They claim that the situation is so dire that the sprayer will not be able to hide it any longer. They use raising sea level and reduced arctic sea ice as the examples.
This deny the possibility of chemtrails being the cause of warming.
The earth is not warming. Even if it is, it is not because of arctic methane, it is because of chemtrails. Even if it is, global warming or climate change isn't what cause the extreme weather disaster that happen in many place of the world.
Sea level do not rise, it is the land that sinking (click here for more information).
It is true that the sea ice at the arctic during summer reduce. But it can also happen because there are more human activity in the arctic to explore and dig the fossil fuel available at massive quantity in the arctic. The sea ice at the antarctic also increase.
Opposite Behaviors? Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks, Antarctic Grows
"The steady and dramatic decline in the sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean over the last three decades has become a focus of media and public attention. At the opposite end of the Earth, however, something more complex is happening.
A new NASA study shows that from 1978 to 2010 the total extent of sea ice surrounding Antarctica in the Southern Ocean grew by roughly 6,600 square miles every year, an area larger than the state of Connecticut. And previous research by the same authors indicates that this rate of increase has recently accelerated, up from an average rate of almost 4,300 square miles per year from 1978 to 2006."
The cause of species extinction is not chemtrails alone.
GWO claim that SRM is the cause of mass animal and plants extinction.
While it is true that chemtrails have the capability of mass kill, Animal and plants extinction have already happening before the sky being dominated by chemtrails.
Bechtel is not just a power company
Even when his member, Dane Wigington, was a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp, GWO never explain Bechtel more than a power company.
Bechtel is a pioner in oil exploration. Bechtel is big oil company, that also do an exploration at the arctic, that also know how to utilize arctic sea bed methane. Here is an example of Bechtel activity, posted at Bechtel website:
"As a partner in BETS B.V. (Bechtel, Enka, and Technostroyexport), Bechtel is building an onshore oil and gas processing facility for the Sakhalin II oil and gas fields in the Sea of Okhotsk. When it’s complete later this year, it will process about 135,000 barrels per day of crude oil, along with 48 million cubic meters per day of dry gas feedstock, for two plants 600 kilometers south, which will produce 9.6 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas yearly. The plants will be Russia’s first entry into the hot LNG market."
Bechtel also handle US Army's weapon, at least for nuke (Bechtel Nevada) or chemical weapon. Here is an example of trust between them, also posted at Bechtel website:
"Early in 2006, Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland became the first continental U.S. military site to eliminate its stockpile of chemical weapons. It was an important milestone for the country, and also for Bechtel, which has led the effort at Aberdeen and is involved in similar chemical demilitarization projects at two other U.S. military sites—Colorado’s U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot and the Blue Grass Army Depot in Richmond, Kentucky."
Conspiracy website mention worst information about Bechtel:
"One of Bechtel's most famous projects in Britain was probably the Channel Tunnel, but they also built many of the largest North Sea oil platforms. In fact Bechtel is the company of choice with the oil industry, many of the worlds largest oil rigs and pipelines were (and are) built by them (including the Iraq - Syria pipeline recently in the news).
Bechtel still secretly specialises in the construction of military bases, especially underground bunkers. Managed by Bechtel Nevada for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration, the site supports national security and U.S. intelligence and defence efforts, designs emergency response programs, monitors consequences of terrorist acts, and develops technologies to fight terrorism. At the Weapons of Mass Destruction Training Program. Technologies developed by site researchers include equipment for detecting and predicting the path of AIRBORNE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL, as well as new ways to protect buildings from biological and chemical weapons. The site also operates Remote Sensing and Special Technologies laboratories. Recently Bush slipped the $680 million Iraq contract to the Bechtel Group. the Bechtel Family, still resident in San Francisco, are said to be the most influential people behind the cities' infamous Bohemian Grove gatherings"
"It has been reported that the secretive CIA-insider Bechtel Corporation was one of the prime contractors involved in the construction of Groom Lake. Unsurprisingly, Bechtel Corporation has been heavily involved with the Nevada Test Site (see information on Bechtel below); Lockheed Martin is another Nevada Test Site contractor. The CIA had a special training program to provide CIA pilots for black aircraft testing and secret deployments - out of Groom Lake and other locations."
SAIC has ongoing collaborations with Bechtel - another of the world's most secretive aerospace technology, energy infrastructure and defense contractors, and one with ties to the intelligence community at the highest and deepest levels.[193] SAIC works closely with DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency -- the granting agency behind HAARP and many other secretive advanced research and development programs.
Bechtel is entrenched in black operations, nuclear weapons production and military construction contracts.
Bechtel National Incorporated (Riley P. Bechtel Chairman and CEO) is teamed with BWX Technologies (BWXT) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. BWXT is a subsidiary of McDermott International, one of the largest aircraft carrier, nuclear submarine and submarine propulasion, and petroleum industry construction contractors in the world. BWXT is deeply entrenched in the national laboratories nuclear weapons complex, including INEL, Oak Ridge and Los Alamos National Laboratories. The nuclear weapons complex is a good candidate cover for development of black programs ENMOD weapons of mass destruction.
The chemical defoliants (Agent Orange) used in the U.S. saturation bombing of Vietnam were developed by the CIA's Dr.Gottlieb. Meanwhile, the secret Vietnam era ENMOD "pilot program" Project Popeye was seeding clouds over Southeast Asia. It is notable that the Air Force itself called this a "pilot" program, indicating that there was probably far more programs and operations on the drawing board, if not in operation at the time."
The last quote mentioned that Bechtel could be the company behind the chemtrails operation. Dane Wigington may not be like former FBI special ops Ted Gunderson that can expose US government bad doing, but at least GWO should introduce Bechtel properly.
Wrong information may deviate people from solving the real problem. I hope people recognize the error and realize that you should double check what you read. Do check and rechek for whatever information presented to you.
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