Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

What are chemtrail?

Chemtrails refer to man made line clouds that has harming property.

Scientist call man made line clouds produced by jet exhaust or aerodinamic effect as contrails. They believe that contrails from jet exhaust will eventually turn into clouds which they call as contrails cirrus. The scientists believe that contrails and contrails cirrus is an environmental problem.

Chemtrails believer believe that contrails is dangerous to human, much worse than what scientist predicted.  The cloud from chemtrails are called chemclouds. Some chemtrails believer believe that contrails is not harmless (denying the scientist, supporting the chemtrails debunker opinion).

Contrails can be produced by aerodinamic effect or by particle pollution from the jet exhaust. There are different opinion of what cause chemtrails to be visible. Some chemtrails believer believe that it is emitted by special nozzle, some believe that it is added in the fuel. Chemtrails denier believe that contrails created from solely water vapor turning into ice crystal (denying the scientist).

Scientist believe that contrails is harmfull to the environment because contrails and contrails cirrus produce radiative forcing, in other word, heating the surface by trapping the heat.  The released particle (sulfur aerosol) believed to be responsible for ozone depletion and acid rain.

Chemtrails denier believe that contrails is completely harmless because they are similar to natural clouds, made of water vapor.

Chemtrails believer believe that the particle is toxic for human life. Some mention aluminium, barium and strontium. I believe that even if the particle is safe, releasing particle in the sky will still kill people because it will certainly modify weather in a bad way.

Scientist and chemtrails denier believe that contrails is the results of current technology.

Some chemtrails believer believe that the spraying is done for a noble reason. To prevent disaster, to prevent upcoming catastrophic event that could wipe out the entire human race if the spraying is stopped.

Some chemtrails believer believe that the spraying is done for greed. Greed for domination or money. To spray people to make them sick, weak and to obey. Or to spray people to make them willing to pay money to solve the problem (extreme weather, global warming or climate change) which originally caused by the spraying itself.

Scientist suggest contrails avoidance to reduce the problem cause by contrails.

Chemtrails denier try to make people believe that contrails is harmless and beautiful.

Some chemtrails believer choose to spread awareness for chemtrails. Some chemtrails believer choose to try to stop geoengineering. Some chemtrails believer choose to try to stop weather modification. Some chemtrails believer try to sue government for spraying. Some chemtrails believer try to neutralize the effect of chemtrails with chembuster, vinegar, orgonite. I use cemenite.

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